The Cult of Melinda

The gAyTM is closed! No gay rights, no gay $$$!

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Diary of a Sick Gay Woman: Part Arba (That's four in Hebrew.)

The evening of Yom Kippur in the Year 5767 of the Hebrew Calendar. Known as the evening of October 1, 2006 to my goyish readers.
Yom Kippur was to begin at sundown. Yours truly was supposed to be leaving for temple in a half hour. Apparently, G-d had other plans.
In other words, I had a massive coronary artery spasm that sent my heart into overdrive. My heart rate went from 105 to 150 in 15 minutes, then began fluctuating wildly. I was also having what they call PVC's or premature ventricular contractions. And did I mention the excruciating burning sensation over my breast bone (mid-sternum for you med-literate types)? When I say burning sensation, I don't mean heartburn type burning. It's more like, putting your hand in boiling grease type burning.
Anyway, I called 911. Did the operator know what prinzmetal's syndrome is? Nope. Did the paramedics know what prinzmetal's syndrome is? Nope. Did the ER doctor know what prinzmetal's syndrome is? Nope. They had to call my cardiologist (at home, I'm presuming) to find out what the heck was going on.
I now have to take aspirin everyday to prevent a heart attack, see my cardiologist tomorrow to determine what we're going to do next, and live in fear of the angiogram that may be necessary soon.
My mom will come up from Mississippi to take care of me in the event that I have to have the angiogram. I'm hoping that the doctor can get enough info from the ECG taken in the ambulance. I REALLY do not want to have an angiogram. Due to my health history, the test would be EXTREMELY DANGEROUS. One woman in my support group FLATLINED on the table during one.
I managed to laugh my way through it yesterday. And the phone calls from family members and friends were GREATLY appreciated. I'd have probably gone insane otherwise. But I'm at work today and the terror is beginning to set in. I genuinely feel like crying at this point.
Remind me. What were the good parts about being Melinda?


Blogger reasonably prudent poet said...

congrats on living through it. i guess g-d thinks you're worthy to live another year. ;-)

1:09 PM  
Blogger Melinda said...

I hope so. Otherwise, this is a sign that G-d wants to get rid of me. haha Fortunately, I have a very old prayer book at home for the High Holy Days, so I was able to do some atoning while I recovered.

9:07 AM  

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